WiFi Extender/Booster | Latest Release Up to 74% Faster | Broader Coverage Than Ever WiFi Extenders Signal Booster for Home | Internet Booster WiFi Repeater, w/Ethernet Port,


Blast Through Barriers, Eliminate Dead Zone Zombies- Indoors and Outside: never get stuck behind thick walls, appliances and cement floors, delivers ultra-stable bandwidth for online gaming, video conferences and even streaming 4K HD videos.

  • 45+ Devices, Zero Bog – House full of data hogs? Macard’s internet range booster with ethernet port eliminates the problems fast! Pumping out interference-free, lightning-fast data capabilities to all tablets, Fire Stick, Roku, smart speakers, Alexa devices for home, IP cameras and whatever the innerwebs invents next. Without bogging your own stream down.
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